A downloadable game


This game is a school project my team of 3 have been developing for three months now. This is a puzzle-platformer inspired by Braid and Baba is you.

You play as an ordinary student who accidentally fell through a manhole. Your task is to complete puzzles using the ability to move pipes and navigate through them (as in the title). 

Develompment status

Currently, development is paused, but we will be glad to hear your feedback and maybe implement it in the future.

Our team

Grigory - programmer, tester, responsible for rewinding time and the main menu

Mikhail - programmer, tester, responsible for the implementation of animations, sounds, pause menus

Vladislav – game/level designer, artist, pipe programmer

All music belong to HeatleyBros


Through the pipes eng.zip 71 MB
Through the pipes rus.zip 71 MB

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